"Cycle girl" jyoti's father dies of cardiac arrest

Patna: Mohan Paswan, father of Bihar's 'Cycle Girl', has died of a heart attack.  Last year, the father of the famous Bihar girl Jyoti died of a heart attack after riding a 1200 km bicycle with her father in the back seat during the Corona curfew.

 A nationwide curfew was declared last year to prevent corona infections.  As a result, rail and bus traffic was completely paralyzed.  In this case, in May last year, the father of a 15-year-old girl, Jyoti Kumari from Bihar, was trapped in Gurugram, Haryana.

 There was a fear that Mohan Paswan would be kicked out of there by his boss at any time with no cash on hand and no facilities like train, bus

also ate.

 His father, a girl with a leg injury, rode a bicycle 1,200 km. He traveled 10 days away and was taken to his native state of Bihar. Jyoti started her cycling journey on May 7 last year and reached her home on May 16.

 It is also viral on social websites. Aware of Jyoti Kumari's cycling skills, Ongar Singh, president of the National Cycling Federation, invited him to come to Delhi for training after the lockdown. Ivanka Trump, daughter of former US President Donald Trump, took to Twitter to praise Jyoti Kumari's actions.

 During the curfew, the injured father was flown 1,200 km to Bihar. Jyoti's father Mohan Baswan, who was praised for taking him on a bicycle, died of a heart attack in his hometown of Darbhanga. Rickshaw driver Mohan was seriously injured in an accident last year. In this case, he is currently suffering from a heart attack.

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