“Set up your house properly. If you can not manage it, we will ask the Central Government to take it over, ”the Delhi High Court said today.
The court observed that the officers appeared to be completely unaware of the realities of the field and were issuing unreasonable orders.
The court's opinion came after Maharaja Agarsen Hospital said it could not follow the government's order to provide oxygen and medicine to patients within minutes of being admitted to the emergency ward.
The court noted that the widespread counterfeiting of corona-related drugs was taking place in Delhi amid the epidemic and ordered the city government to conduct a formal audit.
“We advise the Delhi government to register and conduct random audits from all pharmacies regarding the supply of Remdecivir, dexamethasone and Fabiflu.
It is clear to us that the Delhi government needs to do its utmost to distribute not only liquid oxygen but also oxygen cylinders. ” The court further said