North Chennai Lok Sabha member Dr. Veerasamy on Monday operated on a patient who was admitted to a private hospital in Tiruvottiyu suffering from black fungus.
A special ward for the treatment of black fungus has been set up at a private hospital near Tiruvottiyur Periyar Nagar. A 45-year-old man from Thiruvannamalai district was admitted here after contracting black fungus. Examination revealed that he had severe damage to one eye and facial bone and that only surgery could save his life.
North Chennai Lok Sabha member Dr. Veerasamy, who came to know about this, has contacted the hospital and inquired. She also said that she wants to participate in the surgery herself. The patient underwent surgery on Monday night. The operation was performed by a medical team led by Dr. Veerasamy. In which the left eye of a patient suffering from black fungus was removed. The hospital management said that the patient was completely healthy after the surgery.
After the surgery, Dr. Veerasamy MP He told reporters: "People with coronary heart disease do not have a high risk of death, but they do lose organs such as the eye." It is necessary to be careful in order to protect themselves. Therefore, I personally participated in the surgery in order to create awareness among the public about this disease. he said