WhatsApp had launched this feature late last year but many people are still unaware of this feature. So, here we are going to tell you about the benefits of this feature and how you can enable it.
The details of this feature are already there on a FAQ page created by WhatsApp. The messages sent to an individual users can enable this option to delete messages for individual or group chats after seven days.
At the moment, the users can't change the duration after which the messages get disappear.
How to enable disappearing messages feature in WhatsApp.
To enable this feature, the users should have the latest version of WhatsApp installed on their smartphone. For Android users, that would be version and for iPhone users, that would be version
Open a WhatsApp chat > tap Contact Info > scroll down to find the Disappearing Messages feature.
The feature is disabled by default. Tap Continue, followed by tapping On to enable this feature.
You'll have to enable this feature individually for each chat. Once you do, your messages will automatically be deleted after seven days. It will also be possible to store the messages before they are deleted. The users can copy these and save them at a different location. In a group chat, only the group admins will be able to turn disappearing messages on or off.
Messages that were sent or received previous to the disappearing messages feature being enabled won't be affected so you'll still be able to view them.
Apart from this, WhatsApp has also given the option of fingerprint lock, with the help of which no one else will be able to read your chats. If someone wants to read the message, then first he will have to take your permission. You can start this by clicking on the privacy option after the phone’s settings.