The 27-year-old "Sadio Mane Senegal" (West Africa), a world-renowned footballer, is estimated to be earning Rs 140 million (14 crore) a week in Indian rupees ...
He was seen in many places with a broken display mobile ....
In an interview, when he was asked about it
I will fix it and change the display ...
When he was asked why you should change the display and buy a new mobile that earns many crores,
I can buy a thousand mobiles, 10 Ferraris, 2 jets, diamond watches but why should I buy all this? ....
I have seen poverty, I have struggled to eat, .. I can not read,
I have no shoes, I play without shoes, no good clothes, no eating.
But today I earn a lot of money .. that is why I have built schools for people to study with the money I earn .. I give new shoes, clothes and food to the poor children in my country ...
I want to share it with my people instead of living comfortably. "
Said ... wonderful man "sadio mane senegal"